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From the tack room

Announcing Version 2.1


Announcing Version 2.1

From all of us at One Source Horse, A BIG THANK YOU to all our OSH members! We hope you have enjoyed using our site to organize and keep track of all your horses' important information. We have been busy working on ways to make our tools even better, including adding some member requested features! Though we have made some small changes to the site since our inception, this month the changes are more significant. New and changed features include:

  • We had to drop support for changing your horse's video when Google dropped their support for the APIs we had been using to upload YouTube videos directly from our site. V2.1 restores the ability to change your horse's video simply by copy/pasting a YouTube URL into a form that opens when you click the Change Video button. This is actually simpler and more usable than the upload support that we had originally implemented. And in a future upgrade, we expect to support other video hosting sites such as Vimeo, in addition to YouTube.
  • There are now more social network login options, including LinkedIn, Yahoo, Instagram, and others.
  • Social network logins can now be used in addition to email/password login for the same account. Adding a social network login allows you to change your account's email address or reset your password even if you lose access to your account's registered email address (e.g. if you change jobs) or if you forget both your login password and the answer to your security question. Just go to the "Edit Account" page to add or remove login methods.
  • Privacy controls have been added for each item of information in your profile, similar to the controls for your horses' information. And both the "Create Profile" and "Edit Profile" pages now have video help buttons at the top that walk you through the forms, thoroughly explaining the mysterious little eyeballs, among other things. Although there is no help video for Creating/Editing Horses, the explanation of the eyeballs in the help video for Creating/Editing Profiles applies equally to Horses.
  • Different default privacy settings are now available for personal versus business profiles. Of course you can customize the settings to best suit your needs.
  • Horse records and search results are now paginated with user-controllable entries per page, and clickable column headings to control sort order.
  • Horse records are even more secure because they not only have unguessable filenames unrelated to your horse or profile, but they are now inaccessible to unauthorized users even if their names are known.
  • Horse records or horse profiles can now be emailed and/or downloaded to your computer from a single screen.
  • You can now upload a profile photo from your Dashboard or Edit Profile page, not just from the Edit Account page.
  • We've added Location Services that keep your privacy in mind:
    • If searching for an OSH member, a vendor or professional, search results for profiles show distance from your currently active profile
    • Viewing a profile shows a Google map with a route from your current profile to the viewed profile:
      • The level of detail and route display depend on the privacy settings of the viewed profile
      • If a profile's address and zip code are hidden, the map will just show an outline of its state
      • If a profile's state, zip code, and country are hidden, no map is shown
  • We have implemented users' requests to:
    • Add Professional Profile types for Photographer and Videographer;
    • Add Foal Dates and alternate names (Registered Name, Competition Name) for horses;
    • Allow editing titles and dates on medical records without having to delete and then upload the records again.
  • And we've done a small amount of renaming, rearranging, and feature deprecation:
    • The order of buttons on your Dashboard has changed a bit, and those having to do with accounts, profiles, and communicating with other users have been grouped in their own section at the end and color-coded blue, matching the order and color of the links to those same features that appear in the left sidebar of other pages;
    • The names of buttons on your Dashboard now match exactly the names of links to those same actions that appear in the left sidebar of other pages, and they no longer have an annoying/superfluous "(s)" on the end of some of them;
    • The name of the "Manage User(s)" button and link has been changed to "Manage Sharing", to be more indicative of what it actually does, which is to control sharing of the currently active profile to other users;
    • The "Groups" and "Manage Messages" features have been deprecated: they still work the same way that they always did, which is not very user-friendly or powerful. But if you do use them you get a warning message that they will soon be replaced by totally new implementations of similar features based on the "BuddyPress" plugin for WordPress, and that any information that you save with those features will not be carried forward into the new BuddyPress-based implementation when the site is updated again.

In the future we expect to add new premium features that will give you more flexibility to record your daily horse activities or events in a blog format for each of your horses, and create a blog site for yourself. As we expand our features we will keep our basic information tracking features free and charge a nominal fee for the new premium services so that we can keep new features coming that we know will delight you!

Thanks again for joining One Source Horse! And keep your suggestions coming, whether for new features, or to report problems. We love hearing from you! Just use the "Contact Us" button in the navigation bar at the top of each page.